The evidence is clear: the United States is winning in Iraq. Despite the willingness of the mainstream media to ignore democratic progress in Iraq, General Petraeus’ counterinsurgency plan has borne fruit and the democratically-elected Iraqi government is working to bring reconciliation to the people of Iraq. Now, as pro-victory citizens, it is our task to help bring about political progress in Washington for the military progress our troops have secured abroad.
This spring, Students for Victory is running ‘Eight Weeks to Assessment’, our campaign as part of the overall pro-victory coalition’s efforts to prepare for General Petraeus’ testimony before Congress in mid-March. Defeatist members of Congress and their leftist allies used the Gen. Petraeus’ last assessment in September as a launching pad for attacks on our mission there, our soldiers, and even the General himself, and we expect the same to occur in March.
To prepare for the upcoming struggle, we will be rapidly assembling a 'ground game' in eight steps. For the next seven weeks, we will send you an action item every week. Individually each item is fairly simple, but as a whole, your efforts will help Students for Victory make a difference in the struggle for Iraq and help defeat the defeatists.
Students for Victory has an extensive presence both on Facebook and in our e-mail list, and we thank all of you for your participation. Some things are best handled over e-mail, such as our regular messages, and others are more suited for Facebook, like organizing events. To help streamline our efforts to support the mission, we are asking all of you to join the Students for Victory Facebook group if you have not already and to invite five of your friends to the group as well. This way, you will be in a position to take part in the steps to come.
There are a great many students who support the mission in Iraq , but have no means of getting involved. If the pro-victory movement is to succeed against groups like and Code Pink, it is essential that we act together. Even if only Facebook members of Students for Victory invited five friends this week, we could add almost 1500 members to our Facebook group alone. Fifteen hundred additional pro-victory student activists go a long way!
What You Can Do This Week!
We need our members to get in touch with their friends and invite at least five pro-victory friends to the Students for Victory Facebook group and get them involved with the movement. It's very easy and will only take two or three minutes!